Date | Announcement
December 31, 2018 | The Editor-in-Chief has decided to close the journal.  | |
October 24, 2008 | LJS have coverage in EBSCO.   |  |
October 21, 2008 | LJS have coverage in CABI: Agricultural Engineering Abstracts, Forest Products Abstracts, Irrigation and Drainage Abstracts, Soils and Fertilizers, Sugar Industry Abstracts, Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases, Poultry Abstracts, Tropical Diseases Bulletin, Agricultural Economics Database, Environmental Science Database, Soil Science Database, Forest Science Database, Global Health, Nutrition and Food Sciences Database.
  |  |
January 10, 2008 | LJS may be found indexed at article level in OAIster union catalog of digital resources.   |  |
January 6, 2008 | Leonardo Journal of Sciences received his first Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.94 (2007 & 2008) - 4.48 (2009) - 4.95 (2010) - 4.98 (2011).   |  |
November 13, 2007 |
November 5, 2007 |
September 5, 2007 | You may find LJS indexed at abstract level in following databases:
July 19, 2007 |
August 1, 2006 | Starting from July 2006, the LJS journal is indexed by Directory of Open Access Journals  . "This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. We aim to cover all subjects and languages." - from DOAJ website. |  |
March 1, 2006 | Ending at March 2006, the LJS Journal it send no more the documentation for Romanian's NURC classification. It is no more interested in their ranking. Since then, they continues to classify the journal, but is not a realistic classification, and more, they don't have any agreement to do this. | NURC |
March 1, 2005 |